Part -
If I want to see what fields a table
is made of, and what the sizes of the fields are, what option do I have
to look for?
What is a query?
SQL query is typed in the _________ .
What is the
purpose of the model database?
What is the purpose
of the master database?
What is the purpose of the
tempdb database?
What is the purpose of the USE
If you delete a table in the database, will
the data in the table be deleted too?
What is the
Parse Query button used for? How does this help
Tables are created in a ____________________ in
SQL Server 2005.
Part - B
What is usually the first word
in a SQL
query? Does a SQL Server 2005 SELECT
statement require a
FROM? Can a SELECT statement in SQL Server
2005 be used to make an assignment? Explain with
examples. What is the ORDER BY used
for? Does ORDER BY actually change the
order of the data in the tables or does it just change the
output? What is the default order of an ORDER
clause? What kind of comparison operators can be used in a
clause? What are four major operators that can be used to combine
conditions on a WHERE clause? Explain
the operators with
examples. What are the logical
operators? In a WHERE clause, do you need to
enclose a text column in quotes? Do you need to enclose a numeric
column in
quotes? Is a null value equal to anything? Can a space in a column
be considered a null value? Why or why
not? Will COUNT(column) include columns
with null values in its
count? What are column aliases? Why would you want to use column
aliases? How can you embed blanks in column
aliases? What are table qualifiers? When should table qualifiers be
used? Are semicolons required at the end of SQL statements in SQL
2005? Do comments need to go in a special place in SQL Server
2005? When would you use the ROWCOUNT
function versus using the WHERE
clause? Is SQL case-sensitive? Is SQL Server 2005
case-sensitive? What is a synonym? Why would you want to create a
synonym? Can a synonym name of a table be used instead of a table
name in a SELECT
statement? Can a synonym of a table be used when you are trying to
alter the definition of a
table? Can you type more than one query in the query editor screen
at the same
Part -
VALUES option will insert rows into the _________ of a
table. While you are inserting values into a table with the
statement have to be the same as the order of the columns in the
table? option, does the order of the columns in the
While you are
inserting values into a table with the INSERT INTO ..
SELECTINSERT statement have to be the
same as the order of the columns in the table? option,
does the order of the columns in the
When would
you use an INSERT INTO .. SELECT option versus an
INSERT INTO .. VALUES option? Give an example of
each. What does the UPDATE command
do? Can you change the data type of a column in a table after
the table has been created? If so, which command would you
use? Will SQL Server 2005 allow you to reduce the size of a
column? What integer data types are available in SQL Server
2005? What is the default value of an integer data type in SQL
2005? What decimal data types are available in SQL Server
2005? What is the difference between a CHAR
datatype? Does Server SQL treat CHAR as a
variable-length or fixed-length column? Do other SQL implementations
treat it in the same
way? If you are going to have too many nulls in a column, what
would be the best data type to
use? When columns are added to existing tables, what do they
contain? What command would you use to add a column to a table in
Server? In SQL Server, which data type is used to store large
object data
types? If I do not need to store decimal places, what would be a
good numeric data type to
use? If I need to store decimal places, but am not worried about
rounding errors, what would be a good data type to
use? Should a column be defined as a FLOAT
if it is going to be used as a primary
key? Part -
What is a join? Why do you need
a join? Which clause[s] can be used in place of the
JOIN in Server
SQL? What is the Cartesian
product? What would be the Cartesian product of a table with 15 rows
and another table with 23
rows? List some uses of the Cartesian
product. What is a non-equi-join? Give an example of an
non-equi-join. What is a self join? Give an example of a self
join. What is a LEFT OUTER
JOIN? Does Server SQL allow the use of *= to
perform outer
joins? What is the maximum number of rows that a self join can
produce? For what kinds of joins will the associative property
hold? What would be the Cartesian product of the two sets {a,b,c}
{c,d,e}? Part -
What are aggregate functions? Give examples of aggregate
functions. What is another term for an aggregate
function? What are row-level functions? Give examples of row-level
functions. Is COUNT an aggregate function or a
row-level function? Explain why. Give at least one example of when the
COUNT function may come in handy. Does the
COUNT function take nulls into
account? Is AVG an aggregate function or a
function? What is the NULLIF function?
Explain. How are ties handled in SQL
Server? How does the DISTINCT function
work? Are string functions (for example,
LTRIM) aggregate functions or row-level
functions? What is the SUBSTRING function used
for? What is the CHARINDEX function used
for? What function would you use to find the leftmost characters
in a
string? What are the
LTRIM/RTRIM functions used
for? What function would produce the output in all
lowercase? What function would you use to find the length of a
string? What characters or symbols are most commonly used as
wildcard characters in SQL Server
2005? What is the concatenation operator in Server SQL
2005? What does the YEAR function
do? What does the MONTH function
do? What does the GEtdATE function
do? What will the following query produce in SQL Server
2005? SELECT
('.....'+ names) AS [names] FROM
Does Server SQL allow an expression like
column_name)? How is the ISNULL function different
from the NULLIF
function? What function would you use to round a value to three
places? Which functions can the WITH TIES
option be used
with? What clause does the WITH TIES option
require? What is the default date format in SQL Server
2005? How do dates have to be entered in Server SQL
2005? What function is used to convert between data
types? What function is useful for formatting
numbers? What function is useful for formatting
dates? Part -
Which has precedence,
AND or
OR? Why do we need derived
structures? List some advantages of using
views. List some advantages of using temporary
tables. Can temporary tables replace views in all
cases? What is the difference between a view and temporary
table? What is the difference between a local temporary table and
global temporary
table? If data is changed in a view, is it changed in the original
table? If data is changed in a temporary table, does it
automatically change data in the original
table? What happens to local temporary tables after the session
has been
ended? What happens to global temporary table after the session
has been
ended? Which type of temporary table has a system-generated suffix
attached to it? What does this suffix
mean? Why are inline views
helpful? In SQL Server, is the ORDER BY clause
allowed during the creation of a
view? Is SELECT INTO allowed in a view? Why
or why
not? Where is the data stored in a
view? How do you delete a temporary
table? Do you need to delete a local temporary table? Why or why
not? Which operators have the highest/lowest
precedence? In SQL Server, if a column of FLOAT
data type were divided by a column of
REAL data type, what data type would
the resulting column have? (Hint: refer to the section on Data Type
Preference.) Is an ORDER BY clause necessary when
you use a DISTINCT? Why or why
not? Part -
What are the major differences
between the UNION operation and the
operation? What is the major difference between the
ALL? What major set operator does SQL Server 2005 not have? How
can these problems be
resolved? What does union compatibility
mean? What data types are
union-compatible? What is the maximum number of rows that can result from a
UNION of two tablesone with 5 rows and the other
with 6
rows? What is the maximum number of rows that can result from a
JOIN of two tablesone with 5 rows and the other
with 6
rows? How can a UNION be used to implement
an outer join?
Explain. Does SQL Server 2005 support the MINUS
operation? How can this be resolved? Give
examples. What is a full outer join? Does SQL Server 2005 directly
support a full outer
join? Do you need the same number of columns to perform a
union? Do you need the same data types to perform a
union? Do you need the same number of columns to perform a
join? From the examples given in the chapter, what does the
UNION JOIN appear to
do? If a VARCHAR column were unioned with
a CHAR column, what would the resulting column be?
(Hint: refer to the "Data Type
Precedence" section in Chapter
6.) What does set compatibility
mean? What is the maximum number of rows that can result from a
INTERSECT of two tablesone with 5 rows and the
other with 6
rows? Do you need the same number of columns to perform an
operation? Do you need the same data types to perform an
Part -
Which part of the query/subquery is considered the inner
query, and which part is considered the outer
query? Can a subquery always be done as a join? Why or why
not? When writing a query that will have a subquery, how do you
determine which table/tables will go in the outer
query? Which predicate can usually be reformulated into a
join? When using operators, are many values acceptable from a
result of a
subquery? What can you do to insure a working
Part -
What do aggregate functions
do? How does the GROUP BY clause
work? What is the difference between a GROUP
BY? What is the HAVING clause used
for? Can the WHERE clause always be
considered a substitute for the HAVING clause? Why
or why
not? Do functions of functions have to be handled in a special
way in Server SQL
2005? Will nulls in grouped columns be included in a result
set? How do aggregate functions treat
nulls? Does the sequence of the columns in a GROUP
BY clause have an effect on the end
result? When would it not make sense to use the GROUP
BY and DISTINCT functions
together? Is GROUP BY affected by
nulls? Which comes first in a SELECT
statement, an ORDER BY or GROUP
Why? The GROUP BY and ________________
clauses are used
Part -
What is a noncorrelated
subquery? Which type of subquery can be executed on its
own? Which part of a query is evaluated first, the query or the
subquery? What are correlated
subqueries? What does the EXISTS predicate
do? What are considered universal
qualifiers? Is correlation necessary when we use
Why? Explain how the "for all" type SQL query involves a
double-nested correlated subquery using the NOT
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